2008年5月31日 星期六
2008年5月29日 星期四
純真的愛情 -- Puppy Love
And they called it puppy love
Oh I guess they'll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so.....
Oh, I cry each night my tears for you
My tears are all in vain
I'll hope and I'll pray that maybe someday
You'll be back In my arms Once again
Someone, help me ,help me please
Is the answer up above
How can I how can I tell them
This is not a puppy love
早上打開電視上班時的收音機都聽的到這條歌的片段,唐尼奧斯蒙的歌,還是很吸引人。但是唐尼不再像從前那樣年輕瑪麗也是中年人了,那些美好就留在回憶裡就好了。不過中年的唐尼唱Puppy Love 比較好聽。
除了"Puppy Love"其他還有幾首如"Make the world go away","Too Young", "Yo-Yo","He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother".
"Puppy Love"--http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=hfIg2073-eg
"Puppy Love" It's few in my memorize Donny Osmond song.
Oh I guess they'll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so.....
Oh, I cry each night my tears for you
My tears are all in vain
I'll hope and I'll pray that maybe someday
You'll be back In my arms Once again
Someone, help me ,help me please
Is the answer up above
How can I how can I tell them
This is not a puppy love
早上打開電視上班時的收音機都聽的到這條歌的片段,唐尼奧斯蒙的歌,還是很吸引人。但是唐尼不再像從前那樣年輕瑪麗也是中年人了,那些美好就留在回憶裡就好了。不過中年的唐尼唱Puppy Love 比較好聽。
除了"Puppy Love"其他還有幾首如"Make the world go away","Too Young", "Yo-Yo","He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother".
"Puppy Love"--http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=hfIg2073-eg
"Puppy Love" It's few in my memorize Donny Osmond song.
指甲油速乾法 --Nail Polish Dry Fast
2008年5月27日 星期二
Thomas Godoj
Thomas Godoj 這位歌手是德國的 Addicted 介紹給我的"My Way","Let It Be"這兩首老歌他用三種語言唱出來,真的很好聽也是Addicted 的最愛。Thomas Godoj 出生於波蘭移民至德國參加德國的Super Star比賽贏得高分走紅於德語國家。
"Let it be"--http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=d4_6mGXQ2GA
"My way"--http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=JvWU9nccGKo
Thomas Godoj--A Germany singer is Germany friend Addicted favourite singer.Have nice voice,enjoy the song.
"Let it be"--http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=d4_6mGXQ2GA
"My way"--http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=JvWU9nccGKo
Thomas Godoj--A Germany singer is Germany friend Addicted favourite singer.Have nice voice,enjoy the song.
明天28日零時起漲價--Gas price rise+3.9
2008年5月25日 星期日
精打細算-- Pinch Pennies
"開車通勤 比騎機車貴8倍" 這是今天的新聞。真的加30公升95無鉛氣油從7百多一直漲到現在九百多下個月要再加180。我們的油價還是屬於便宜的(新聞都這樣說),鄰近國家更貴。我不是經常需要開車的,可是每次加油都讓我的心痛,還是少出門吧!或許我也該騎機車了。
Did you know? Drive a car the expense is rides the motorcycle 8 times.My country have over 10 million motorcycles be transportation vehicle. The Gas price is getting high everyday.Thinking before you drive a car.pic from net.
Did you know? Drive a car the expense is rides the motorcycle 8 times.My country have over 10 million motorcycles be transportation vehicle. The Gas price is getting high everyday.Thinking before you drive a car.pic from net.
2008年5月24日 星期六
2008年5月20日 星期二
新總統 -- New President
露營 5/3 -- Camp 3 May
2008年5月18日 星期日
露營 3/15 -- Camp 15 March
2008年5月17日 星期六
最近劇烈天災不斷,緬甸大海嘯的救援還沒頭續,大陸四川就發生大地震,是人的生命注定在劫難逃嗎?電視新聞報紙頭版都是災區新聞,看了讓人心情低落,緬甸風災由於當地軍政府不讓外人進入,只有少數的新聞片段讓外界知道死傷慘重。大陸四川地震的新聞就很多,所看到的悲慘更多。今天到碧潭附近,在新店捷運站走一圈看到三四十位穿著籃衣白褲的慈濟人在街頭勸募,圖片是在碧潭吊橋頭一位慈濟人捧著募款箱喊著:"救川緬十元不嫌少"。On the pic right side the ladie Puts on blue color coat white trousers,she is a volunteer of Tzu Chi(http://www.tzuchi.org/global/about/missions.html)
solicits donations for the disaster victims.The background is Bitan suspension bridge.
solicits donations for the disaster victims.The background is Bitan suspension bridge.
2008年5月16日 星期五
新書 -- New Book
2008年5月15日 星期四
牛肉在那裡?-- Where Is My Beefsteak?
2008年5月11日 星期日
母親節 -- Mother's Day
Today we celebrate the Mother's Day,have 10 mothers and their kids celebrate together,the age from 10 to 90 years old.from 1:30 pm to 8:00 pm, we joyful the day,very very happy day.
Today we celebrate the Mother's Day,have 10 mothers and their kids celebrate together,the age from 10 to 90 years old.from 1:30 pm to 8:00 pm, we joyful the day,very very happy day.
2008年5月10日 星期六
小黃瓜 --Cucumber
2008年5月9日 星期五
滿月 -- The Full Moon
The child calls ' the full moon ' in one month after being born in. Friends and family give children's clothes , phoenix's cap , lion's cap , gold and silver ornaments , red tortoise , full moon round,etc., called ' fill the happiness of the moon ' the gift . ' the full moon is round ' to mean ' red and round ' promptly , there is a red point above , represent happy expression , satisfactory, the red was done by one's own family, did for grandmother's family pinkly. The modern present to relatives and friends with oil meal , red egg , cake more.
2008年5月7日 星期三
母親節禮物 -- Mother's Day Gift
Did you prepare your monther's day Gift.
Order a mother's day special meal on restaurant?
A mother's day cake? Or a bunch of flowers + a happy mother's day care? Or....?
I have the very bad experience on a mother's day special meal on restaurant?
This year we prepare to cook for the day.
This is the menu :
The asparagus and shrimp salad, roasts the beef, the big scallop fry with the
butter , roasts the prawn, roasts then spring chicken,steamed fish slices with spiced cabbage,the mushroom braises the macaroni ,cream clam soup,fruit festival,fig cakes and ice cream.
It's prepare for 15-20 persons.
Did you prepare your monther's day Gift.
Order a mother's day special meal on restaurant?
A mother's day cake? Or a bunch of flowers + a happy mother's day care? Or....?
I have the very bad experience on a mother's day special meal on restaurant?
This year we prepare to cook for the day.
This is the menu :
The asparagus and shrimp salad, roasts the beef, the big scallop fry with the
butter , roasts the prawn, roasts then spring chicken,steamed fish slices with spiced cabbage,the mushroom braises the macaroni ,cream clam soup,fruit festival,fig cakes and ice cream.
It's prepare for 15-20 persons.
2008年5月4日 星期日
笑聲瑜珈--"Laughter Yoga"
北海岸一日遊 -- The North Coast A Day Tour
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