2008年4月21日 星期一

雞飛狗跳--Dog and Cock War

"雞飛狗跳"這是一句成語但是在我家確是經常上演的戲碼。狗有骨頭好啃雞想來分一點於是...聽到聲音已經來不及了,只看到一地的雞毛和一臉無辜的狗。The dog have a bone and the cock find the bone too ,the war begin only 5 seconds and the dog win .Just had chicken feather on the floor and the innocent face dog

2 則留言:

Jadie 提到...

You have a hunting dog, like my cat Wodan. And yes they look so innocent after the hunting. Its all nature! You have a wonderful dog Doris...

Doris 提到...

Thanks Jadie I will talk to my dog "Lou Lou" Jadie say you are a wonderful dog.