2008年4月26日 星期六

作菜 -- Cooking

好久沒上菜市場,買了一些新鮮翠綠,就想拍下來。當然做好的菜也要留影。Cooking for my family.上排--First line
1.炒青菜 --Fries the green vegetables.
2.剛買回來的菜--Fresh green vegetables.
3.蘆筍炒洋菇加培根--The asparagus fries whitemushroom adds Bacon.
下排--Second line
1.涼拌白木耳加小黃瓜--The cold food in sauce tremella adds the cucumber.
2.韓國辣泡菜年糕-- korean kimchi with chilli rice roll.
3.炸地瓜條--Fried sweet potato chip.

2 則留言:

Jadie 提到...

Yummy. I like what you cook Doris!!! i think it tastes delicious and I would love to smell it. Time for the smellcomputer lol.

Doris 提到...

I am happy you love chinese food.Be my guest all you can eat lol.