2008年8月25日 星期一

週日廚房-- Sunday Cooking

My Onion Cooking with redwine beef and potato.
My pork chop cooking.
My pumpkin chips .今天的鲳魚煎的不錯(沒被我煎的皮開肉綻),油要多要夠熱,是魚煎的漂亮的不二法則。 (沒用不沾鍋)
My fish cooking.

飯後點心一口酥,我取個名字-- 嘻嘻哈哈。My dessert.

2 則留言:

Jadie 提到...

I read in a article that chinese food is the most healthy in the world. Not the chinese restaurant food in Western Europe, because they are made unhealthy to come closer to the taste of the western people. Is Taiwan food other then Chinese?

Doris 提到...

It's sameness,in restaurant they always use too much cooking oil ,salt and MSG ,I didn't like .
Taiwan food = Chinese food, only have few special local products different.