這些是中秋節拜祖先的菜,以拜土地公的三牲為主,還有一樣白斬雞,被我斬的慘不忍睹,所以啦就只擺好看的。Mid-Autumn Festival lunch meal.
五色蔬菜炒蝦仁 . 5 Colors vegetable stir fry with shrimp meat.
新鮮金針炒豬肉片,金針是我家後院種的。Lily flower stir fry with streaky pork ,lily flower from my back yard.
清炒紅黃椒.Stir fry red pepper and yellow pepper.
蹄膀只有在幾個大節日要拜祖先才會準備。Marinated pork's hock and boiling vegetable.
蔥蒜爆香再放香菇竹筍加一點醬油米酒,鹽、味精就不必了。Fry fish with chinese mushroom and bamboo shoots.
6 則留言:
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what happened to the other one?
very nice! hahahahaha
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Doris, it's time for you to cook my food, it all looks so delicious!!!
Cook for you ????
Are you sure ???
It's just looks deilcious,
but thanks your glorify .I love be your chef on the net.