2009年2月7日 星期六

正月十五元宵節 (2/9) Lantern Festival 

正月十五是元宵節,又稱上元,元夕或燈節,是民間多彩多姿的節日,也是春節最後的一天,自此以後一切恢復常態,所以民間熱烈慶祝,故有小過年之稱。It's also called the "Little New Year." It's on the fifteenth day of the New Year. This day also marks the end of the New Year holiday.過2天就是元宵節了,這幾天陸陸續續的有許多活動,在苗栗有"炸龍"、平溪的"放天燈"、台東的"炸寒單"等等活動,在台北很熱鬧的。Pic is Ping Xi light sky lanternsis .It's like a hot air balloon. You can write messages on it and let it fly into the sky.
