2008年10月17日 星期五

剉冰 Shaved Ice

Summer time eat
Red bean ice with ice cream.
You can copy" 剉冰 " to "Flickr"
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6 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Thanks Doris, you think Jade will be willing to try? (starting to drool...)

Doris 提到...

Jadie never eat red bean before,she can not understand how delicacy of the red bean.好可惜。

Jadie 提到...

Thanks ladies. It looks yum.... unfortunately you cannot send me some, because it would melt on the way hahaha....

Doris 提到...

Shaved Ice have hundred faces in Taiwan,everyone love it.

匿名 提到...

Well maybe not the soft ice-cream, but surely you can get the rest of ingredients in Europe... and get the ice from a snowy day! :p

Doris 提到...

Good idea.Hunnybunny.