2008年6月22日 星期日

夏至--Summer Solstice

夏至是農曆的二十四節氣之一。在夏至這一天,北半球白天最長,黑夜最短,表示盛夏就要來臨,氣溫將繼續升高。「夏至風颱就出世」,表示颱風季節即將來臨。 夏至時,一般狀況梅雨已結束,而颱風的旺季也緊跟著來臨,農漁民必須隨時收聽氣象報告,做好防颱工作, ... 夏至雖然是夏季白天最長的時刻,但並不是天氣最熱的時刻,北半球的夏天要到小暑、大暑時,氣溫才會升到最高點。今年再度推行夏至關燈活動。
"Summer solstice" is the 10th solar term, and marks the summer solstice. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 90° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 105°. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 90°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around June 21 and ends around July 7.
The solstices (as well as the equinoxes) mark the middle of the seasons in East Asian calendars. Here, the Chinese character "至" means "extreme", so the term for the summer solstice directly signifies the summit of summer, a linkage absent in Western languages.
