2009年3月6日 星期五

擂茶--Hakka Tea (Lai -Cha)

吃過午飯, 表哥提意去北埔喝擂茶,老人家都同意,一行人上車出發往三灣到北埔,下了車找一間名為"天水茶房"喝擂茶,這茶喝來辛苦,叫"累茶"倒差不多,從茶葉磨起用一支芭樂木在缽裡先磨成粉,再放芝麻、花生...要一直磨到看不到芝麻粒出現黏性出油才可以,要20多分鐘很累耶。加開水再攪拌,最後放米麩喝時再加一些米香,配一些痲薯、甜米糕、鹹餅。
It's in a Hakka villages ,Hakka tea we call "Lai-Cha".
First we put grean tea in a mortar and use a dry trunk of the guava tree be a pestle.Grind the tea and put peanuts, black sesame seeds ,pumpkim seeds...until everything mix and smooth,put some boiling water in the mortar mix.It took almost 20 minutes to make this tea,It tasted really good.and you can put some Hakka white rices wiht the tea.
