2008年10月22日 星期三

涮涮鍋 -- Shabu Shabu

涮涮鍋在目前是比較受歡迎的外食選擇,好久沒到這一家吃到飽的涮涮鍋店,只要照著桌上墊的餐紙點選想要的東西,服務生就會送上來。一坐下來就會先送上菜盤。照例全部倒入湯鍋裡先煮一會兒。One of my favourite restaurant.Menu on table paper,all you can eat.First put the vegetable on the boiling water.
蚵仔、五花肉、花枝漿、福袋。Oyster, streaky pork, cuttlefish starch, lucky bag.珊瑚菇、山藥、青花菜、鮮蝦、牛肉--Coral mushroom, Chinese yam, green cauliflower, fresh shrimp, Special grade beef .

熱食吃的很飽了,胃總是有空間留給甜食,因為最近奶粉的問題,這一家也改用品質較好的霜淇淋,比以前好太多了。現磨咖啡+霜淇淋=漂浮咖啡,貪心的吃下兩大杯霜淇淋咖啡,減肥,再說吧!The hot food ate has been very full, the stomach always had the space for the sweets, high quality soft ice cream. Presently rubs the coffee + soft ice cream = float coffee, greedy eats up two big cup of soft ice cream coffee.

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I am, officially, very hungry after looking at the pictures! Soft ice cream and coffee sounds a great combination! I love 涮涮鍋 with cola too, also with "sour plum soup", that's a common drink to serve in Hong Kong.

Doris 提到...

sour plum soup--酸梅湯
it's a good dring,I love it,Chinese know how to let the very sour plum getting sweet dring.
some restaurant have too.